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What Your Report Includes
How many calories you, personally, need to eat in order to lose weight or maintain weight.
Your risk of developing chronic diseases related to weight (Body-Mass Index)
How much weight you need to lose to see improvements in health.
How much protein you need to eat to maintain health.
How much added sugar you should consume.
As Seen In
Your Results are Ready!
Where do you go from here?
If you are ready and serious about losing weight, and you want to do it in a sustainable way, then you should find a diet plan that follows your Natural Eating Pattern. All of the options, below, will help you follow your natural eating pattern and achieve the weight-loss results you’re looking for.
Get the Clinical Program At-Home
Instantly get a diet chart that matches your Natural Eating Pattern. Personalised for your individual calorie requirements.
Voted by Times of India as one of its most trusted diet books. Learn exactly how to develop your own diet plan as well as get the specific ingredients you need in order to lose weight.